Weekly Prayer Line: (669) 275-0161
Monday-Friday: 7am - 7:14 am
Monday Nights: 7 pm

Intercessory Prayer
The Intercessory Prayer Ministry's (IPM) mission is to intercede in prayer for the church and its leaders and membership, and support believers in leading strong prayer lives. Ministry members lead the daily morning prayer call and Monday night prayer hour, publish the monthly prayer calendar, and receive and respond to on-line prayer requests.
Intercessory Prayer Line:
Intercessory Prayer Line - 1-669-275-0161
Daily morning prayer, Monday - Friday 7 - 7:14 a.m.
Monday night prayer and prayer requests, 7 - 8 p.m. (except for major holidays)
Mother and Deaconess Ministry
Members assist the Pastor in developing the spiritual life of the Church for Christian service. They work with the Pastor and the Board of Deacons in visiting the sick and shut-in members of the Church, the disbursement of benevolence, and in the preparation of the Ordinances of the Church (Baptism and Communion). They assist the Board of Deacons in promoting the evangelistic programs of the Church; and provide guidance and leadership to the women of the church, particularly young women. Connect>
Stephen Ministry
The Stephen Ministry consists of individuals who are grounded in Jesus' command to love one another. Through one-on-one caring relationships, members provide love and support to those who are experiencing life-altering situations, such as physical disability, aging, bereavement, unemployment, divorce; and other dramatic personal or family changes.